8-point-story-building-system-writingWhen it comes to writing, I’ve always had a hard time keeping my ideas together. They would be ‘organized’ into spreadsheets, drawings, post-it notes, index cards, notebooks, squares of toilet paper… I could have a hundred ideas for one story spread all over the place!

So, I spent some time learning how other writers manage to organize their thoughts and then put what they taught me into a simplified 8-point story structure flowchart. Admittedly, I still write notes and ideas in plenty of random places! But now, I have one final location where all those great ideas can be organized.

At times I’ll use only one of these flowcharts for an entire story and, at other times, I’ll use one for each character in the story.

Here’s a trick – pretty early in the process, sketch out what’s going to happen in Act 3 of your story. It’s much easier to get somewhere if you know where you’re going!

Hopefully this will be helpful to any writer out there who, like me, needs a hand organizing their story ideas.



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